Villa Nonna Tonina

Podstrana - Split


Villa Nonna Tonina mit Meerblick, 4 Schlafzimmern, Whirlpool und Fitnessraum Oberhalb des Kiesstrandes von Podstrana (200 m) gelegen, 4 Schlafzimmer, 4 Badezimmer, Whirlpool, Fitnessraum, Spielplatz, beheizter Privatpool, spektakulärer Meerblick

Villa Nonna Tonina ist ein neu erbautes Anwesen, das absolute Privatsphäre und einen atemberaubenden Panoramablick auf die Insel Brač und das Meer bietet. Es liegt oberhalb der Küstenstraße im Dorf Podstrana, umgeben von typischen mediterranen Pflanzen wie Pinien und Olivenbäumen, nur 200 m vom Strand entfernt, in der Nähe der berühmten Stadt Split (10 km), auf einem privaten 722 m² großen Grundstück mit 165 m² Nutzfläche verteilt sich auf zwei Etagen und bietet Platz für 8 Personen. Diese fantastische Villa eignet sich perfekt für entspannte Familien- oder Freundestreffen und ist ein perfekter Ausgangspunkt für Tagestouren, da sie in der Nähe vieler Attraktionen und Aktivitätsmöglichkeiten liegt. Voll klimatisiert mit kostenfreiem WLAN, mit 4 Schlafzimmern, 4 Badezimmern, einem Whirlpool (Whirlpool), einem Fitnessstudio, einem Spielplatz, einem privaten und beheizten 24 m² großen Pool mit 8 Liegestühlen und zusätzlich einem privaten Grundstück am Strand mit 4 für Sie gesicherten Liegestühlen (200 m von der Villa entfernt).

Hier ist die detaillierte Beschreibung dessen, was exklusiv für Sie bereitgestellt wird:

* Der AUSSENBEREICH bietet einen privaten und beheizten Pool von 8 x 3 m, einen Sonnendeckbereich mit 8 Liegestühlen, einen Whirlpool (Whirlpool) neben dem überdachten Essbereich im Freien (ein paar Stufen oberhalb des Pools und des Sonnendecks) und eine Lounge-Ecke Vor dem Wohnzimmer gibt es einen traditionellen Grill (Holz oder Holzkohle), einen Spielplatz für Ihre Kleinsten mit einigen Spielsachen, einer Schaukel und einer Rutsche. Die Aussicht ist in der Tat spektakulär, besonders bei Sonnenuntergang. Oberhalb der Villa befindet sich auf dem Privatgrundstück ein gesicherter Parkplatz für 4 Autos ( Parkplatz und Einfahrt sind videoüberwacht.).

* Das ERDGESCHOSS bietet einen großzügigen Wohn- und Essbereich (44 m2) und eine voll ausgestattete Küche mit allen Annehmlichkeiten, die Sie für einen komfortablen Aufenthalt benötigen (Kühlschrank mit Eismaschine, vollautomatische Philips Espressomaschine, Mikrowelle, ein Wasserkocher...). Des Weiteren haben Sie eine Kücheninsel, ein Esstisch für 8 Personen mit direktem Zugang zum Essbereich im Freien. Das Wohnzimmer bietet Sofa und Flachbildfernseher, ebenfalls mit Ausgang zur Sonnenterrasse, ein separate Toilette und eine Waschküche mit Waschmaschine, Trockner und Bügelzubehör. Hier befindet Sich das Schlafzimmer Nr. 1 (19,20 m2) mit einem Doppelbett (180 cm x 200 cm), einem eigenen Badezimmer mit Dusche, einem Fernseher, einer Klimaanlage und Blick auf die umliegenden Olivenbäume.

* Die ERSTE Etage bietet das Schlafzimmer Nr. 2 (19,20 m2) mit einem Doppelbett 180 cm x 200 cm, einem eigenen Badezimmer mit Dusche, einem Fernseher, einer Klimaanlage mit Balkon und Blick auf das Meer und den Pool. Schlafzimmer Nr. 3 (16,77 m2) mit einem Doppelbett 180 x 200 cm, eigenem Bad mit Dusche, Fernseher, Klimaanlage und Meerblick. Schlafzimmer Nr. 4 (11,23 m2) mit Doppelbett 180 cm x 200 cm, Fernseher, Klimaanlage mit Blick auf die natürliche Umgebung und die Olivenbäume. Es gibt auch ein Fitnessstudio mit einem Laufband, einem multifunktionalen Trainingsgerät, einer Yogamatte und Pilatesball, einem Fernseher, einer Klimaanlage und einem Balkon. Ein Familienbadezimmer mit Dusche.

Der Innenbereich ist mit sorgfältig ausgewählten und hochwertigen Möbeln für einen entspannten Urlaub ausgestattet, den Sie verdienen. Diese Unterkunft ist so perfekt gelegen, dass diese ein idealer Ausgangspunkt für Tagestouren ist. Besuchen Sie dalmatinische Sehenswürdigkeiten oder genießen Sie einfach die friedliche Umgebung mit Meerblick.

Von unserer Agentur Feriehome empfohlene Zusatzleistungen (nicht im Preis inbegriffen):

- Sie können bequem von Ihrem Sofa aus eine Lebensmittellieferung bestellen, die zum vereinbarten Zeitpunkt in die Villa geliefert wird;

- Genießen Sie ein kulinarisches Erlebnis mit einem privaten Koch in der Villa, der alles zubereiten kann. Genießen Sie ein romantisches oder ein familienfreundlichen Abendessen.

- Sie können eine Massage in der Villa mit unserer professionellen Masseurin genießen.

- Buchen Sie ein Segelboot (+ Skipper) um ein Gefühl für die Adria und etwas Segelerfahrung zu bekommen

- Buchen Sie eine Bootstour um die mitteldalmatinische Küste und die Inseln zu erkunden...für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung und helfen Ihnen gerne weiter

Die Villa Nonna Tonina liegt nur 10 km vom Zentrum der berühmten Stadt Split mit vielen Restaurants, einem offenen Markt, erstaunlichen historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten und einem Muss-Ort entfernt: dem Diokletianpalast. Innerhalb seiner weißen Steinmauern und unter seinen Innenhöfen befinden sich eine Kathedrale und zahlreiche Geschäfte, Bars und Cafés. Sie befinden sich nur 12 km von der kleinen mediterranen Stadt Omiš und dem Fluss Cetina entfernt. Der Fluss Cetina bietet Ihnen vielen Aktivitäten wie Wildwasser-Rafting, Zip-Line, Kanufahren, Canyoning, Einzel- oder Gruppenbootstouren auf dem Fluss und / oder zu den Inseln Brač, Hvar oder Vis. Sie können die Wanderwege oder sogar den kostenlosen Kletterpfad für Abenteuerlustige erkunden und die saubere Luft genießen. Die Villa Nonna Tonina ist die ideale Unterkunft für Familien oder kleinere Gruppen, die gemeinsam Zeit verbringen möchten. Sie können einen erholsamen Urlaub an diesem unberührten Ort verbringen. Erkunden Sie unbedingt, was die berühmte Riviera von Podstrana zu bieten hat.

Die Lage der Villa und die interessanten geografischen Besonderheiten von Podstrana bieten den Touristen verschiedene Erholungsmöglichkeiten in der Natur: Spazier-, Wander- und Radwege, einen Aufenthalt in Stara Podstrana oder die Besichtigung kultureller und historischer Orte. Außerdem können Sie am Strand verschiedene Sportarten ausüben: Windsurfen, Segeln, Sportkatamarane, Wasserski und Wasserskaten.

Aufgrund der Nähe von Split sind alle Verkehrsverbindungen in der Nähe: der Flughafen (29 km), der Seehafen (10 km), der Busbahnhof für den internationalen Verkehr (10 km), der Bahnhof (10 km) und die Autobahn (26 km). Golf- und Tennisplätze sind nur 4 km von der Villa entfernt.

Bei der Ankunft gibt Ihnen der Eigentümer viele nützliche Informationen über Sehenswürdigkeiten, empfohlene Restaurants und empfohlene Tagestouren.


Schlafzimmer 1 1 x Kingsize-Bett 1 x Baby crib en-suite Badezimmer (Dusche) Ground floor
Schlafzimmer 2 1 x Kingsize-Bett en-suite Badezimmer (Dusche) First floor
Schlafzimmer 3 1 x Kingsize-Bett en-suite Badezimmer (Dusche) First floor
Schlafzimmer 4 1 x Kingsize-Bett First floor

Eigenschaften der Villa

165 m2
200 m
vom Meer
10 km
Vom Zentrum
Beheizter Pool
Privater Pool
Private Parkplatz
Haustiere nicht erlaubt


  • Klimaanlage voll
  • Freies WLAN
  • Safe
  • Heizung
  • Feuerlöscher
  • gesicherter privater Parkplatz

Pool & Wellness

  • privater Pool
  • beheizter Pool
  • Sonnenliegestühle
  • Außendusche
  • Whirpool

Garten & Terasse

  • Grill
  • Essbereich im Freien
  • Spielplatz
  • Rutsche
  • Schaukel
  • Terrasse
  • Veranda
  • Balkon
  • Garten
  • Sonnenschirm


  • Flughafen - 29 km
  • Geschäft - 350 m
  • Strand - 200 m
  • Stadtzentrum - 10 km
  • Artzt - 800 m
  • Apotheke - 800 m
  • Restaurants - 300 m
  • Supermarket - 800 m
  • Tennisplatz - 6 km
  • Meer - 200 m
  • Golfplatz - 6 km
  • Autobahn - 25 km
  • Fluss - 12 km


  • Kühlschrank
  • Ofen
  • Mikrowelle
  • Geschirrspülmaschine
  • Wasserkocher
  • Geschirr und Utensilien
  • Kaffeemaschine
  • Toaster
  • Sitzplätze
  • Hochstuhl


  • Fernseher
  • Satellitenkabel


  • Bettwäsche wird gestellt
  • Babybett


  • Handtücher werden gestellt
  • Waschmaschine
  • Wäschetrockner
  • Fön
  • Bügeleisen und Brett


  • Fitnessraum
  • Fitnessgeräte


Zeitraum Preis Minimum Wechseltag
15.03. - 09.05. 2025. €286 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
10.05. - 23.05. 2025. €286 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
24.05. - 06.06. 2025. €357 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
07.06. - 20.06. 2025. €407 7 Nächte Irgendein Tag
21.06. - 27.06. 2025. €471 7 Nächte samstag
28.06. - 04.07. 2025. €529 7 Nächte samstag
05.07. - 11.07. 2025. €614 7 Nächte samstag
12.07. - 22.08. 2025. €700 7 Nächte samstag
23.08. - 29.08. 2025. €614 7 Nächte samstag
30.08. - 05.09. 2025. €529 7 Nächte samstag
06.09. - 19.09. 2025. €471 7 Nächte samstag
20.09. - 26.09. 2025. €2,850 7 Nächte Irgendein Tag
27.09. - 10.10. 2025. €357 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
11.10. - 17.10. 2025. €286 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
18.10. - 01.11. 2025. €286 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
14.03. - 01.05. 2026. €286 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
02.05. - 15.05. 2026. €286 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
16.05. - 29.05. 2026. €357 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
30.05. - 12.06. 2026. €407 7 Nächte Irgendein Tag
13.06. - 19.06. 2026. €471 7 Nächte samstag
20.06. - 03.07. 2026. €529 7 Nächte samstag
04.07. - 17.07. 2026. €614 7 Nächte samstag
18.07. - 21.08. 2026. €700 7 Nächte samstag
22.08. - 28.08. 2026. €614 7 Nächte samstag
29.08. - 04.09. 2026. €529 7 Nächte samstag
05.09. - 11.09. 2026. €471 7 Nächte samstag
12.09. - 18.09. 2026. €2,850 7 Nächte Irgendein Tag
19.09. - 02.10. 2026. €357 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
03.10. - 09.10. 2026. €286 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
10.10. - 01.11. 2026. €286 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag

16:00 h
10:00 h
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An exceptional holiday home with all amenities and very attentive hosts. Also great for fall break thanks to the heated pool and whirlpool. An exceptional cottage with all the amenities and very attentive hosts.

~ Ulrike B.

We had a great stay at the Villa Nonna Tonina. Everything was perfect, spotless and exactly as in the photos and description. The villa is brand new and modern. It offers every comfort you could wish for with great beds and bathrooms, beautiful living room and dining area, well equipped modern kitchen, hi-fi systems etc. The outdoor area was also very well maintained, children's playground, several areas for sunbeds, outdoor lounge and dining tables, barbecue and fireplace. The pool was still heated at the end of October and the whirlpool was just great as well as the spectacular seaview, the nice artisan surroundings and only less than 50 meters to the beach. But a special highlight are the hosts, they greeted us proactively by messagesystem before our arrival, then personally welcomed us on our arrival and showed us everything. They had shopped groceries for us in advance and also made a great welcome snack as a surprise. During the stay they continuously inquired if everything was okay, and in a medical emergency they even brought medication in the middle of the night!! If you like to see anything a tiny bit negative, it may be the lighting, inside a little bright and uncomfortable light, outside a few lamps are missing here and there. The video cameras were also a bit strange. But both of course a matter of taste. Over all: We strongly recommend the villa!!

~ V. F.

Our stay was amazing from start to finish! A brilliant proactive welcome and flexibility to suit our needs. The hosts were extremely service minded and made sure our kids felt at home: For example, we wanted to buy footballs for the kids and asked where we could buy, just a few hours later we had a couple of footballs in the garden. We were treated to a nice BBQ lunch and got brilliant advice for whatever we needed. The house was stunning, providing incredible sunsets and views all day long. It was at least 10/10!

~ Carl P H

Fantastic villa with great amenities just up from the beach with bars and restaurants

~ Cam B.

Sehr saubere und gut ausgestattete Villa mit traumhaftem Blick über das Meer. Die Gastgeber waren sehr zuvorkommend und der Service super…..perfekt zum Erholen. Bei der Anreise wurde sogar für uns etwas zum Essen vorbereitet. Wir haben uns in der Villa sehr wohl gefühlt.

~ Sindy J-F

We’ve just returned from a great week, villa is exactly like the photos and listing. Anita was really attentive she arranged our taxi to and from the airport and got groceries for us. Really could not ask for more! Thank you Anita !

~ Alison

Great hosts, very communicative and house was great. 25 minutes to Split city center.

~ Paul V.

We thought this villa was perfect! When booking I wanted a sea view, walkable to the shore, shops and restaurants – but I didn’t want to be somewhere too busy. I also wanted the ease of being able to get Ubers and taxis to larger towns and attractions. Delivered on all counts! The location is beautiful, set in cultivated terraces full of fruit and olive trees with the mountains behind; it was idyllic watching the small boats fishing while having coffee in the morning (from a really good coffee machine)! Anita and her husband are brilliant hosts – they must work incredibly hard maintaining the villa, we felt like it’s first visitors as everything was immaculate and in great condition. We slept well on the comfy beds and the air conditioning works well overnight (every room has it fitted). During the day the villa stayed cool enough with the shutters closed and being at a higher elevation it catches a nice breeze. The kitchen is well stocked with essentials, great showers, there loads of plug sockets, SMART TV’s and good WIFI. Good sized washer dryer too with the programs listed in English. The hill up to the villa is interesting – but then you don’t get the stunning views without it! One thing I would take if I visited again are some binoculars to watch the ships with, everything else I could ask for was already there.


Lovely modern accommodation with fantastic views and away from main road . Property is on a steep hill so a bit of an effort coming back from the beach . The owners were very friendly and helpful and always available if needed for anything.

~ Mark H.

Had a great stay in this beautiful villa. It's great that almost all rooms have their own bathroom. Spacious, everything has been thought of and nice and fresh and clean. Within a few minutes' walk you have a lovely beach and swimming spot. Host super attentive and very accessible!

~ Dorien S.

We had a wonderful family vacation here! The hosts are very friendly and welcomed us very nicely. The house is well equipped and the sea views are truly breathtaking!

~ Jan-Hendrik Reupke

It was spotless, the pictures didn't do it justice. Plenty of everything at property. The bathrooms kitchen etc, are all newly fitted and very high end.

~ Silvestro M.

We had a fantastic time at Villa Nonna Tonina. Anita and her family were amazing hosts - they helped us with a wide range of requests and had an incredible lunch waiting for us when we arrived. The villa is stunning and our kids loved the pool and hot tub. The views were spectacular and we loved eating outside overlooking the sea. The villa is gorgeous and had more than enough space (indoors and outside) for our family. I’m really grateful to Anita for making our holiday so special, and would highly, highly recommend Villa Nonna Tonina.

~ Simon Howes

We enjoyed staying here! It’s a beautiful house and very close to the beach. Anita recommended couple beach front restaurants to watch sunset and the foods were good too! Thank you for sharing your home with us.

~ AnnaT.T.

We had a wonderful stay, the villa is beautiful and great for the children as well as the adults. The location was an easy drive from the airport but also had a bus service at the bottom road which was really handy for travelling into Split. The host was fabulous and alway got back to us quickly with answers to any queries or recommendations we had. We were all very impressed with the villa and we plan to book again.

~ Kerry B.

The place looked even better than the photos, the view was amazing and the space was modern and clean. The host was also amazing, we didn’t get in until 10pm and the taxi on the way home arrived 30 minutes before the expected time; she was happy to accommodate us both times and was very responsive throughout our stay. We would definitely return!

~ Eleanor Boothroyd

Anita is simply the best host I have ever used. Contact was made before my travel to provide me with information, and offer several services. She checked that the information I had found for myself was correct. If I had any queries I just messaged and Anita would respond, offering advice and support. On the day of arrival she was in touch and was able to accommodate a early entry for us. Anita and her husband Petar met us at the villa on arrival, explained on what we needed to know and even laid on a fantastic brunch. The villa has everything you need and some, it was spotlessy clean and a pleasure to stay in. The view is amazing! I will return at some point. Thank you for having us.

~ Jeanette Shellard

We really enjoyed our stay. The property was clean, spacious and with great views looking out into the see. Our host Anita really went above and beyond to make our trip as enjoyable and comfortable as possible - flexible with check in / check out, laying out a welcome brunch for us on arrival, speedy responses before and during our stay to provide tips and recommendations for activities and places to visit. She even went ahead and helped us with booking arranging and booking our quads excursion and liaising directly with the tour agency. All in all a great and comfortable stay and will definitely be rebooking in the near future!

~ Kunal P.

Anita is an angel sent from heaven. She will make sure you have litterally anything and everything you need. From support with the groceries, tipps about the surroundings, BBQ nights etc. she makes everything possible in the most friendly way. The house is absolutely perfect with all three equipment one could need (we were 8 girls and we had no complaints at all - that means something 😅🙏🏼). The location of the house is a little outside of Split but that was exactly what we were looking for, the view is so gorgeous and the walk at the beach simply stunning with lots of possibilities to go for a swim (if you want to have an alternative to the heated Pool). In short: would 1000 % recommend and we will definitely be back ☀️🍀☺️

~ Sarah M.

Nonna Tonina was the perfect place to spend a a sunny Easter holiday - so much of that was down to the brilliant hosts. The thoughtfulness shown - such as Easter gifts for the children, a welcome breakfast which was devoured after a very early morning flight and the delivery of the most delicious lunch - as well as the professionalism with which any requests were responded to has been exceptional. The house was spotlessly clean, well equipped and everything was exactly as listed; the views each morning took our breath away! Our holiday to Nonna Tonina will be such a special one in all of our memories, thank you!

~ Kerrie Martin

Wir hatten eine wundervolle Zeit in der Villa und sie ist wirklich so perfekt ausgestattet wie es auf den Bildern aussieht. Auch die Hilfsbereitschaft der Gastgeber war klasse und uns wurde sogar ein Welcome Brunch serviert! Wir waren eine Gruppe von 7 Freunden und würden direkt wieder buchen.

~ Nicolas Jungesblut

We had an amazing stay at Villa Nonna Tonina! Loved it, would love to come back

~ Rochelle Hoogendoorn

Die Villa ist absolut Top. Alles neu und sehr gut ausgestattet. Die Gastgeber sind sehr nett und zuvorkommend. Wir haben den Aufenthalt sehr genossen. Ich kann die Villa zu 100 Prozent weiterempfehlen. 5 von 5 Sterne.

~ Michael Jäger

Villa Tonia This villa is a first class spacious accommodation ideal for 6-8 people with everything you need to cater for yourselves. It was perfect for our family, along with two young children. The owners are most welcoming and the facilities exceptionally clean. The villa is situated in between local towns, so would suggest a car if you’re looking to venture out and about. Local supermarket is less than a mile away. Great trip - we will be back 😀 Ian, Karen and family.

~ Ian D.

Villa Nonna Tonina was absolutely amazing! Perfect location in Podstrana, near Split but still calm and had everything you needed. Also very near to the beautiful beach. The villa was even better than expected offering outstanding experience with a luxury feeling. The hosts were so lovely and helpful. Even brought some coffee, homemade liquor and ice cream to the beach and one morning some delicious pancakes. Always got an answer fast and help whatever we asked. We recommend Villa Nonna Tonina with all of our hearts! Thank you so much <3

~ Camilla L.

We had a fantastic stay at Villa Nonna Tonina in early September this year. Anita and her family were great hosts. They helped us with our groceries as we were without a car and even delivered us food from a nearby restaurant. The villa itself was very beautiful,clean and had everything you need. The hill leading to the villa is a bit steep but absolutely worth it because the view you'll get is breathtaking. We can 100% recommend villa nona Tonina for a nice stay at the Croatian seaside.

~ Denise Christ

Nonna Tonina Villa Review Our stay at Villa Nonna Tonina was excellent. The accomodation overall was superb, the rooms were spacious and very clean. The pool and BBQ area was very good with panoramic views over the sea. Our hosts (Anita) were great leaving us brunch meal on arrival and delivering freshly picked fruit and vegetables midway through our stay. Overall this was a top quality villa where we had a wonderful time.

~ John M.

Our week at the villa for our summer vacation was absolutely amazing! The villa and its amenities, especially the pool, exceeded our expectations. What made our stay very easy, were the very nice and helpful hosts who went out of their way to make us feel welcome every day. They were extremely professional and the pool was cleaned every morning before we woke up. The villa's proximity to the beach was an other big positive. It was the perfect place for a relaxing and memorable vacation. Highly recommend it for a family vacation.

~ Adi Durakovic

Wir hatten einen unglaublich angenehmen Aufenthalt in dieser wunderschönen Villa. Sie ist in einer zentralen Lage und nur 20 Minuten von der Stadt Split entfernt, was sehr praktisch für uns war. Die Sauberkeit der Villa war hervorragend und hat dazu beigetragen, dass wir uns vom ersten Moment an wie zu Hause gefühlt haben. Die Gastgeber haben uns wirklich überrascht mit ihrer Freundlichkeit und ihrem Engagement. Sie waren nicht nur lieb und super zuvorkommend, sondern sind auch weit über das hinausgegangen, was man normalerweise erwarten würde, indem sie uns sogar zum Arzt begleitet haben. Darüber hinaus haben sie uns auch noch köstliches Essen zubereitet, was unseren Aufenthalt noch angenehmer gemacht hat. Wir können diese Villa ohne Bedenken weiterempfehlen und würden jederzeit gerne wiederkommen. Es war wirklich ein herausragendes Airbnb-Erlebnis.

~ Sedat Ö.

What an amazing home! We cannot say enough great things about this place. The beautiful views of the sea. Walking distance to a private spot on the beach, with access to chairs. Everything you need in the kitchen to cook whatever you like. All items were like new. A built in BBQ outside that you can use charcoal or wood. Airconditioning in each room, even the living room. The pool is as beautiful and amazing as it looks in the pictures. The water was warmer than the ocean! A private driveway to park your cars. A play area for small children outside. Walking distance to great restaurants, grocery store, bakery. There is nothing negative about this place. We would give it more than 5 stars if we could. The owners were the nicest family! They provided so many extras and went out of their way to help with anything we needed. They felt like family by the time we left. We stayed here 2 weeks and wish we could stay forever.

~ Gregory S.

There's something magical about stepping into a picturesque villa that not only mirrors the beautiful images from the Airbnb listing but exceeds all expectations. This was precisely our experience during our recent stay, an experience that, as 18-year-olds on our maiden voyage, will forever remain etched in our hearts. From the moment we set foot in this charming villa, we were made to feel right at home by the remarkable owners. Their extraordinary warmth and hospitality were beyond anything we could have imagined. What stood out was their kind-heartedness, taking the time to prepare and share delicious homemade meals with us. The cuisine, replete with local flavors, added a delightful touch to our stay, truly making us feel part of their extended family. 10/10 recommend and most definitely worth the money.

~ Hugo F. T.

Villa Nonna Tonina Stay 20-30/06/2023 We can wholeheartedly recommend the Villa for both a stay with friends and family holidays. The owners are very hospitable, helpful and greeted us with a delicious lunch made of local products. The biggest plus is the location of the house. There are no neighbors, there is a sea view, the beach is a few minutes walk. We enjoyed breakfast on the terrace with a beautiful view, in the evening you can relax on the other part of the terrace. The pool and its surroundings are fantastic. Inside, the house is well designed and very comfortable

~ Hanna R

Villa Nonna Tonina var toppen! Väldigt fint och modernt hus med väldigt vänliga och hjälpsamma värdar. Rekommenderar starkt!

~ Axel B.

Wir hatten eine großartige Unterkunft alles war sauber und hygienisch. Die Hausherren waren sehr freundlich und sehr hilfsbereit wir danken euch nochmals für die angenehme Zeit. Das Haus hat einen traumhaften Meerblick und ein geräumiges Swimmingpool. Alles war bestens vielen lieben Dank

~ Turan Arigboga

Great location, modernly built and well equipped property, exactly matching the pictures with a decent and heated swimming pool, coffee machine, bbq and a functional air conditioning!!!! This being said, what makes this villa stand out even more is its wonderful hosts, Anita and his husband. We simply couldn’t be any happier with them, incredibly kind, very welcoming, extremely flexible, responsive and supportive. Make sure you don’t miss the grilled fish made by Anita and family, probably the best fish you would try during your stay in the beautiful Croatia, especially given its price!!! Biiiiig thank you to Anita and family and the whole Feriehome for making our stay so much memorable!!!!

~ Ehsan Sarshari

Wow! What a fantastic villa, spotlessly clean, great layout, amazing panoramic sea views, outside space and pool were perfect. Use of the private beach is also a nice touch. The hosts of this property are outstanding! They were so welcoming, helpful and even gave us food on arrival from their farm and bbq fish one lunchtime, which was all delicious. They couldn’t do enough for us. We bought several bottles of the hosts’ family made wine which was excellent! We also tried some of their home made liquor which was also great. 🤪 The hosts arranged airport transfers which were all on time and driver was really pleasant and helpful. All in all we are more than happy with our choice of villa and the location. Well done Anita and family! We will be back. 😊

~ Adrian J.

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Villa Nonna Tonina