Luxusvilla Andoris

Duće - Omiš


Luxusvilla Andoris mit Fitnessraum, Spa, beheiztem Pool Stilvolle 4-Schlafzimmer-Villa mit privatem Badezimmern, Immobilie mit hohem Standard, spektakulärer Meerblick, Sandstrand (650 m)

Luxusvilla Andoris mit Fitnessraum, Spa, beheiztem Pool

Stilvolle 4-Schlafzimmer-Villa mit privatem Badezimmern, Immobilie mit hohem Standard, spektakulärer Meerblick, Sandstrand (650 m)

Das luxuriöse architektonische Design der Villa Andoris mit 300 m² Wohnfläche thront über dem Dorf Duce auf einem 610 m² großen, eingezäunten Grundstück. Die Unterkunft ist nur 650 m vom Sandstrand entfernt, und bietet einen ungehinderten Blick auf das Meer, die Inseln und die Stadt Omiš durch die raumhohen Fenstern durch den Wohn- und Schlafbereich. Die Villa bietet Platz für 8 Personen in 4 Schlafzimmern mit Bad, mit einer voll ausgestatteten und sehr stilvollen Küche, einem gut ausgestatteten Fitnessstudio, einer finnischen Sauna und einem Whirlpool in der Spa-Zone. Des Weiteren gibt es Sonos-Lautsprechern für Musikliebhaber und einen beheizten privaten Pool und ein sehr geräumigen Wohnbereich mit Meerblick von jeder Ecke des Anwesens. Villa Andoris ist ein vollklimatisiertes Anwesen (eine Heiz-, Kühl- und Warmwasserlösung von Daikin, die erneuerbare und traditionelle Energiequellen als effiziente und umweltfreundliche Lösung kombiniert) mit kostenlosem WLAN.

Die Luxusvilla Andoris bietet eine große Wohnfläche, luxuriöse Annehmlichkeiten und Ausstattungsmerkmale, hochwertige Materialien sowie eine hochwertige Verarbeitung, die Ihnen einen sehr komfortablen Aufenthalt bieten. Es werden jedem Gast Hautpflegeprodukte von L`Occitane zusammen mit einem Bademantel und Hausschuhen zur Verfügung gestellt. Die Aussicht auf Sonnenaufgang und Sonnenuntergang vom gesamten Anwesen ist atemberaubend. Buchen Sie Ihren Luxus-Rückzugsort mit allem, was exklusiv für Sie angeboten wird.

Vom privaten Parkplatz, der mehr als 4 Autos aufnehmen kann (ein Garagenplatz), mit Videoüberwachung, betreten Sie das Anwesen. Nehmen Sie die Innentreppe auf der Schlafzimmerebene im ersten Stock oder hinunter zum Wohn- / Poolbereich (Erdgeschossebene). Es gibt auch eine Außentreppe vom Parkplatz hinunter zum Erdgeschoss - Poolbereich.

Hier ist die detaillierte Bodenorganisation:

* Das Erdgeschoss bietet im Aussenbereich - einen privaten, beheizten Infinity-Pool 12 x 3 m (36 m²) mit chlorfreiem Wassersystem, das sanft und viel gesünder für Ihren Körper ist. Der Pool ist mit einem Wasserfall und Massagedüsen ausgestattet. Die Sonnenterasse ist geräumig und bietet mehrere entspannende Ecken, 6 Liegestühle, ein Betthimmel im Freien, eine überdachte Lounge-Ecke, einen Essbereich im Freien mit einem Napoleon-Gasgrill und einer Küchenarbeitsplatte mit einem Waschbecken daneben. Es gibt auch eine Außendusche und eine Außen-Tischtennis (Garage-Ebene). Der Panoramablick auf das Meer vom Poolbereich ist atemberaubend. Der Poolbereich kann direkt vom Fitnessraum, Spa, Küche/Wohnzimmer und vom Schlafzimmer Nr. 1 aus betreten werden

* Das Erdgeschoss (154 m²) bietet - eine voll ausgestattete Küche mit Kücheninsel und alle Annehmlichkeiten, die ein moderner Gast für einen komfortablen Aufenthalt benötigt (Weinkühler, Eismaschine, Julius-Kaffeemaschine ...), Essbereich, Wohnbereich mit Wasserdampfkamin, sehr bequemem Sofa, Flachbild-Smart-TV, Sonos-Lautsprechern, Klimaanlage, kostenlosem WLAN, raumhohen Glastüren zum Poolbereich. Es gibt auch ein Fitnessstudio mit Laufband und einer Hantelbank mit mehreren Stationen und Gewichten, Klimaanlage, Ausgang zum Poolbereich. Hier befindet sich ebenfalls ein Spielbereich mit einem Sofa und einem Flachbildfernseher mit einer PlayStation 5 für die jüngeren Generationen. Auf der anderen Seite des Wohnbereichs befindet sich das Schlafzimmer Nr. 1 (25 m²) mit einem Doppelbett (180 cm x 200 cm), Klimaanlage, TV, eigenem Bad mit Dusche und Ausgang zum Poolbereich. Der Spa - Bereich mit Fußbodenheizung bietet eine finnische Sauna, einen Whirlpool, ein Badezimmer mit Dusche, Klimaanlage, eine Lounge-Ecke und einen direkten Zugang zum Poolbereich. Es gibt auch eine separate Toilette und eine hübsch eingerichtete Waschküche mit Waschmaschine, Trockner und Bügelzubehör.

* Die erste Etage bietet ein stilvolles Büro mit einem Bürotisch, einem Stuhl und einem Fernseher. Wenn Sie also etwas zu tun haben, ist dies die perfekte Ecke für Sie. Schlafzimmer Nr. 2 (22 m²) mit einem Doppelbett 180 cm x 200 cm, Klimaanlage, TV, eigenem Bad mit Dusche und herrlichem Meerblick. Hauptschlafzimmer Nr. 3 (28 m²) mit einem Doppelbettett (180 cm x 200 cm), Klimaanlage, TV, eigenem Bad mit Dusche und einem Balkon mit Gartenmöbeln und Meerblick. Schlafzimmer Nr. 4 (22 m²) mit einem Doppelbett (180 cm x 200 cm), Klimaanlage, TV, eigenem Bad mit Dusche und Meerblick.

Sie können eine kurze 2-minütige Fahrt zum Sandstrand in Duće (650 m) unternehmen oder die Kiesstrände in der Gegend von Omiš erkunden, wo das Meer kristallklar und warm ist. Es gibt zwei brandneue Fahrräder, um die wunderschöne natürliche Umgebung mit hervorragendem Meerblick zu erkunden. Der nächste Supermarkt und Restaurants sind 1 km von der Villa entfernt (im Dorfzentrum von Duće), oder Sie können eine kurze Fahrt nach Omiš (2 km) unternehmen, um sich zu versorgen oder in die verschiedenen Restaurants zu gehen. Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit, Catering oder einen Koch in der Villa zu bestellen. Die perfekte Lage der Villa, bietet die Nähe zu den Fluss Cetina und der Stadt Omiš (2 km entfernt). Die Stadt Split ist ebenfalls nur 20 km entfernt. Die Villa ist der ideale Ausgangspunkt zum Erkunden und Sightseeing und bietet Aktivitäten wie Rafting / Kanufahren / Zip-Line oder ähnliches auf dem Fluss Cetina oder für eine unvergessliche Tagestour, können Sie mit dem Boot zur Insel Brač / Hvar.

Die netten Besitzer werden Sie bei Ihrer Ankunft in Empfang nehmen und Ihnen gerne alle notwendigen Informationen über Empfehlungen in der Umgebung mitteilen.

Von unserer Agentur Feriehome empfohlene Zusatzleistungen (nicht im Preis inbegriffen):

- Sie können bequem von Ihrem Sofa aus eine Lebensmittellieferung  bestellen, die zum vereinbarten Zeitpunkt in die Villa geliefert wird;

- Genießen Sie ein kulinarisches Erlebnis mit einem privaten Koch in der Villa, der alles zubereiten kann. Genießen Sie ein romantisches oder ein familienfreundlichen Abendessen.

 - Sie können eine Massage in der Villa mit unserer professionellen Masseurin genießen.

- Buchen Sie ein Segelboot (+ Skipper) um ein Gefühl für die Adria und etwas Segelerfahrung zu bekommen

 - Buchen Sie eine Bootstour um die mitteldalmatinische Küste und die Inseln zu erkunden...für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung und helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.

 Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Aufenthalt

Ihr Feriehome-Team


Schlafzimmer 1 1 x Kingsize-Bett
Schlafzimmer 2 1 x Kingsize-Bett
Schlafzimmer 3 1 x Kingsize-Bett
Schlafzimmer 4 1 x Kingsize-Bett

Eigenschaften der Villa

300 m2
650 m
vom Meer
2 km
Vom Zentrum
Beheizter Pool
Privater Pool
Private Parkplatz
Haustiere nicht erlaubt


  • Klimaanlage voll
  • Freies WLAN
  • Safe
  • Heizung
  • Feuerlöscher
  • gesicherter privater Parkplatz

Pool & Wellness

  • Sauna
  • Whirpool
  • privater Pool
  • beheizter Pool
  • Sonnenliegestühle
  • Außendusche

Garten & Terasse

  • Grill
  • Essbereich im Freien
  • Sonnenschirm
  • Terrasse
  • Balkon


  • Flughafen - 44 km
  • Geschäft - 950 m
  • Strand - 650 m
  • Stadtzentrum - 2 km
  • Artzt - 2 km
  • Apotheke - 2 km
  • Restaurants - 1.5 km
  • Supermarket - 950 m
  • Tennisplatz - 17 km
  • Meer - 650 m
  • Golfplatz - 17 km
  • Autobahn - 20 km
  • Fluss - 2 km


  • Kühlschrank
  • Ofen
  • Mikrowelle
  • Geschirrspülmaschine
  • Wasserkocher
  • Geschirr und Utensilien
  • Kaffeemaschine
  • Toaster
  • Sitzplätze
  • Hochstuhl


  • Kamin
  • Fernseher
  • DVD Spieler
  • Stereoanlage
  • Spielekonsole


  • Bettwäsche wird gestellt
  • Babybett


  • Handtücher werden gestellt
  • Waschmaschine
  • Wäschetrockner
  • Fön
  • Bügeleisen und Brett


  • Fitnessraum
  • Fitnessgeräte
  • Spieleraum
  • Tischtennisplatte
  • Fahrräder
  • Tischtennis


Zeitraum Preis Minimum Wechseltag
29.03. - 09.05. 2025. €460 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
10.05. - 23.05. 2025. €500 4 Nächte Irgendein Tag
24.05. - 06.06. 2025. €550 4 Nächte Irgendein Tag
07.06. - 20.06. 2025. €600 7 Nächte Irgendein Tag
21.06. - 27.06. 2025. €700 7 Nächte Irgendein Tag
28.06. - 04.07. 2025. €820 7 Nächte samstag
05.07. - 11.07. 2025. €920 7 Nächte samstag
12.07. - 22.08. 2025. €1,070 7 Nächte samstag
23.08. - 29.08. 2025. €920 7 Nächte samstag
30.08. - 05.09. 2025. €820 7 Nächte samstag
06.09. - 12.09. 2025. €700 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
13.09. - 26.09. 2025. €600 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
27.09. - 10.10. 2025. €550 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
11.10. - 17.10. 2025. €500 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
18.10. - 01.11. 2025. €460 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
18.10. - 31.10. 2025. €460 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
28.03. - 01.05. 2026. €460 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
02.05. - 15.05. 2026. €500 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
16.05. - 29.05. 2026. €550 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
30.05. - 12.06. 2026. €600 7 Nächte Irgendein Tag
13.06. - 19.06. 2026. €700 7 Nächte Irgendein Tag
20.06. - 03.07. 2026. €820 7 Nächte samstag
04.07. - 17.07. 2026. €920 7 Nächte samstag
18.07. - 21.08. 2026. €1,070 7 Nächte samstag
22.08. - 28.08. 2026. €920 7 Nächte samstag
29.08. - 04.09. 2026. €820 7 Nächte samstag
05.09. - 11.09. 2026. €700 7 Nächte Irgendein Tag
12.09. - 18.09. 2026. €600 7 Nächte Irgendein Tag
19.09. - 02.10. 2026. €550 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
03.10. - 09.10. 2026. €500 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag
10.10. - 01.11. 2026. €460 5 Nächte Irgendein Tag

16:00 h
10:00 h
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We had the best Airbnb experience ever. Thank you the family for taking so much care of their home and letting us stay there. I’d love to be back at some point. Life long memories made in Croatia

~ Mateus G.

Villa Andoris has everything - and more! The view is stunning and the nearby town of Omis incredibly picturesque with plenty of restaurants to choose from. Split is just approx 50 mins drive so location is perfect. Thank you, Anisja, for allowing us to stay in your beautiful property.

~ Paula Taylor-Nobbs

We enjoyed our working holiday at Anisja's villa! The interior and finishing is topnotch and she was always available and even gave us recommended restaurants and bars. The stay really comes highly recommended, everything was in the villa and the view is very nice. We found the stay even more beautiful in real life than in the photos.

~ Erwin Dijkman

Amazing stay for our honeymoon!

~ Klara i Michael Mrcela Mmoh

Absolutely lovely place to stay. We had one week stay in Villa Andoris as group of 8 people. Villa looks very fresh, everything was perfectly clean when we arrived. In the area where villa is placed, its the highest of all the villas. There was no Villa placed higher then Villa Andoris which means the view is absolutely stunning and there is no noise comming from traffic. However even that its placed high, the road to the nearest beach isn't that bad. Its only 300 meters through a shortcut and nearest market is about 12 minutes walk. Whole building is runned on the AC system so it always give you nice chilly feeling when you need it after day at the sun or at night during sleep. You can also park up to three cars at the villas area. Very nice hosts that take care of you if you need it. This place looks exactly like in the pictures so there wont be any disappointment when you arrive. I would recommend Villa Andoris for anyone that considers choosing this Villa for a stay, it will be for sure good choice.

~ Przemysław Kubisztal

We are a family of 4 but also brought my sons girlfriend and my daughters friend. We had a fabulous 2 week stay at Villa Adornis. The house had everything we needed for a perfect stay. We used the pool table (hours of fun). Two bicycles are provided which we used to go to the local facilities and to Omiš for breakfast. Everything we needed was provided for and Anjisa, the host was always on hand. Anijsa is a great host and provided everything we needed and organised transfers and a great boat trip with Kruno the skipper. A lovely basket of fruit, an apple pie and Prosecco on arrival too. It really was all perfect. We would definitely return to the villa and beautiful Croatia. Thank you for a wonderful holiday.

~ Samantha Scott-White

What an amazing property. The facilities are the standard of a 5 star hotel and the standard of the design finish of the property is amazing. The location is excellent with the beach within walking distance and the town of Omis is a 5 minute car journey and has an abundance of amazing restaurants. Anisja is a first-class and very obliging host and gave us excellent restaurant recommendations and places to visit and explore. The private boat trip is a must, which Anisja organised, and was one of our highlights of the holiday. As per other reviews the photos online match the reality and the view in real life is amazing. All the facilities gym, sauna, pool, hot tub, outdoor kitchen etc were all well used and thoroughly enjoyed by are family. We had an amazing holiday at Villa Andoris and we cannot recommend it enough. We will be back, thank you Anisja for an unforgettable week.

~ Jason Powles

Best villa we have stayed in! Everything you needed and more! Amazing views! Great host and lots of recommendations for things to do and places to eat! Walkable to restaurants in Omiš and bars on the seafront.

~ Andrea T.

We have just returned from a wonderful week. The hosts Anijsa and Danijel welcome you into their incredible home with open arms. Their hospitality and care sets this beautiful villa apart. They genuinely want you to have the best time and will provide advice and support in a way that we haven’t experienced before. Nothing is too much trouble. The pictures do not do the house justice. It is a stunning home in a beautiful location. We found many good restaurants in Omiš and had the very best time as a family. We recommend this villa for all age groups. We will definitely be back as it felt like we were staying in a home away from home.

~ Laura Needham

What an impressive Villa. We were impressed by the elegance, modernity and furnishings. A first-class accommodation where we felt completely at home during our vacation. Anisja is a first-class and very obliging host. She surprised us on our arrival with a culinary delicacy and gave us lots of infos for restaurants and beach bars. The Villa is a high standard accommodation with excellent interior design. This accommodation has inspired us for our next home and fully meets our own expectations for a luxury villa. The rooms are so beautiful and the accommodation matches the photos 1:1. We slept very well in the beds and the pool was simply wonderful. We can 100 % recommend this accommodation for a luxury vacation! Thank you Anisja for a great week!

~ Thorsten J.

We had a lovely 3 week stay (15 June - 6 July 2024) at luxury Villa Andoris. The quality and facilities are 5 star, amazing views, relaxing setting and the hosts very helpful. A thoroughly super time had by all our family. Stuart & Carole.

~ Stuart Jefferies

The hosts were so welcoming and the home is flawless. The pictures don't do it justice - what a view. Omiš is close by, Split is within striking distance but you won't want to leave the beach town vibes and this beautiful house. We would recommend staying here over anywhere else in Croatia 10/10 times and will be recommending it to friends and work colleagues. Thanks!!

~ Rj G.

We had a very delightful time in that beautiful villa in Duce. The hosts were very friendly and we always could contact them. We totally recommend this place to everybody.

~ Jonny P.

We had a lovely stay at Luxury Villa Andoris: the view alone was worth the flight... First rate facilities and hosts and would highly recommend! The chefs that were recommended were amazing, as was the boat day (& skipper)... Everything was perfect and we'll be back again! Thank you!


The house is fantastic, attention to detail is superb with all amenities available. Even more stunning in real life than the photos. Fully equipped gym, sauna, jacuzzi and heated pool. House was spotless and kitchen fully stocked, even with some welcome treats as we arrived. Large double bedrooms all with en-suites. Owner very responsive and happy to organise additional trips etc, we did the private boat trip and had a great day sailing. House is in quieter location in smaller town but not far from split. Views are stunning and we had bbqs on the terrace in the evenings. Attention to detail in the house is outstanding.

~ Abby S.

Andoris Villa was more beautiful than we could have expected and our host Anisja was gracious and timely addressing any and all requests. Four ensuite bedrooms was ideal for us and we took full advantage of the pool, sauna, whirlpool and exercise room. Easy access down a path to bars, restaurants and beaches of Duce. Also an easy walk to Omis for shopping and dinner. What a house and what a location!

~ Paul Schueller

Nestled in a slice of paradise, Andoris is a property that takes your breath away. The sweeping views are a visual symphony, complementing a house that’s the epitome of comfort and cleanliness, infused with a zen-like peace. Anisja, the owner, embodies hospitality. When my husband needed medical attention for a sudden sinus issue, she was our beacon of help, swiftly arranging a doctor's visit. Her touch is everywhere, with a design sense that marries beauty with tranquility, ensuring every nook of Andoris invites you to unwind. Staying at Andoris is more than a getaway; it's a holistic experience where design and nature coalesce to craft a restful retreat. For anyone in search of serenity and attentive hospitality, Andoris is a resounding haven of calm. It earns a resounding five out of five, a beacon of vacation excellence.

~ Laura J.

Ein Traum Das ganze Haus war ein Traum. Es hat alles gepasst ! Top Vermieter der sich bei Kleinigkeiten sofort um Abhilfe gekümmert hat ! Immer wieder gerne !!!!!!

~ Stefan F.

When we started looking for a place to stay in Croatia, we couldn't skip this great villa with a wonderful view of the sea and the surrounding mountains. The house looks exactly like the pictures and even better. We spent the evenings in the grill area making food, playing table tennis, warming up in the electric sauna, jacuzzi, and swimming in the pool. The house is furnished to a really high quality. All details are thought out to the smallest detail. Sonos sound installation, household appliances and other accents create a feeling of luxury. It has even own gym. If you want to explore the wonderful town of Omiš, the owners even have bicycles available. Nearby beaches, restaurants. Very nice owners who welcomed and explained everything in detail about this villa. I highly recommend this villa and hope to visit again in the near future. Only the best memories.

~ Aurimas B.

We had a wonderful week on September in Villa Andoris! We had group of eight person and everybody had a lot of space and nice activities to do: gym, pool, jacuzzi, sauna, ps5 etc. The Villa has all the facilities for perfect stay. Everybody in our group can highly recommend this place. Hosts were very friendly with great hospitality and they also gave us great tips about the restaurants and places to visit. The sailing trip via hosts was a great way to spend one day. Totally worth it! Nothing to complain except the one week stay was too short ;). Greetings from cold and rainy Finland

~ Juuso P.

Our stay at villa Andoris was truly special. A luxurious property, with the most spectacular view in a beautiful part of Croatia. The owners Daniel and Anisja have exceptional attention to detail, and look after you so well, making villa Andoris a villa you want to return to - in fact we have already booked again for next year!

~ Philip S Budd

I just wanted to say thank you again, the house was so wonderful and the hosts were very nice. Everything It was clean and if anything was needed it was taken care of immediately. We particularly liked the spa area with the jacuzzi and the sauna :). But the best thing was the view of the sea, just world class. We and our friends enjoyed being in the house. We'd love to come back.

~ Viktor Landmann

It was an indescribably beautiful stay. One week was definitely too short! Can't say much about the house. Everything you need is on site. 4 bedrooms (all with bathrooms), an extra toilet and a bathroom in the relaxation area. An office, a storage room (extra fridge) and an extra room with washing machine and dryer. Nice seating area outside in front of the pool. Two high-quality Sonos boxes are installed in the ceiling directly above. All in all, only high-quality things are installed here. Simply great! I can only recommend this villa. The owners are also very nice and accommodating!!

~ Steven T.

We had an amazing family stay at Villa Andoris. It is absolutely stunning and everything was really perfect. The villa, the location, the view and the owner is hugely helpful and kind. Can't recommend highly enough.

~ Joanna Harvey

We had an amazing time. The house was just perfect! This villa has everything you need and so much more. All the comforts of home are at your fingertips … and let’s not forget about the gorgeous outdoor living space. The house was delivered in a great clean condition. Thanks you for everything!!! Maria S.

~ Maria Stillmann

Great house with a fantastic view. Luxury accommodation with a gym, wellness and 4 bedrooms, and 5 bathrooms, all built with high quality standards. A place we will definitely come back to.

~ Clemens P.

Thank you Anisja's villa is absolutely incredible, and even better in real life than in the photos which is hard to do! She was incredible from start to finish-we were with 2 babies, and she provided everything for them and even more than we had asked for. The welcome was fantastic, and we had an incredible stay thanks to her and her villa. The villa was beyond our expectations - from the technology to all the fine details of the interior design, from the jacuzzi and sauna to the gym equipment and PlayStation, from the pool to all the products provided in the kitchen and in the bathrooms. The villa is perfectly located to do lots of beach/sporting activities and to visit the local area and Split. Feriehome were fantastic throughout and they and Anisja provided great recommendations of things to do. We hired a private chef, Martin, who was great and cooked us a fantastic dinner with his produce. This is truly a luxury villa and we would recommend everyone to stay here!

~ Anita T.

Hello, I would like to leave the following review for Villa Andoris please: Our stay at Villa Andoris was absolutely unforgettable! We booked a 7-night stay with our baby daughter and my wife’s family in early June. We chose this property after extensive research across the entire Mediterranean for a luxurious 4-bedroom sea-view villa, and Villa Andoris honestly ticked every box. One of our main criteria was ease of access: the villa is extremely easy to reach, approx. 45-50 min drive from Split airport, and less than 30 min drive from the beautiful old town of Split; moreover, there is a supermarket located a 2 minute drive down the hill. On arrival, you are immediately struck by the breath-taking panoramic view of the Adriatic, with the picturesque island of Brač opposite, and the Mosor mountain range to the East – visible from almost every room, thanks to the large bay windows. The interior design is chic and modern, with extremely luxurious high-end finishes worthy of any 5-star hotel. Unique attributes are the ‘wellness centre’ with in-floor jacuzzi and sauna (a fantastic indulgence on the couple rainy days we had), and a large well-equipped gym. The owner Anisja went above-and-beyond to ensure our stay was perfect: she was so approachable and responded almost immediately to the many questions we had throughout – we cannot thank her enough. Definitely a holiday we will cherish !

~ Edward B.

First of all, we were super welcomed by the dear Anja. She showed us the whole apartment once and at the end there was even a delicious apple strudel as a small gift. I really have to say that the pictures do not even begin to bring across how it is in reality. Were there for 5 days to celebrate the birthday of my mother and to this day she still has a smile on her face. Thanks a lot

~ Karndeep Singh

We spent two wonderful weeks in this marvellous villa, situated in lovely Duce. Everything was simply perfect. Our family consists of three generations and everyone had things to do even on a rainy day: spa, gym, playstation etc. The facilities in the kitchen, and everywhere, were more than we had imagined. The view was breathtaking and the villa looked even better live than in the pictures. The hostess was so friendly and helped us in every possible situation. We warmly recommend Villa Andoris!

~ Sonja S.

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Luxusvilla Andoris